オンラインの一般会話の先生を募集 (一般会話個人レッスン・グループレッスンなどをオンラインで習える先生)

  • English Private Lesson every weekend

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    NAO, 男性, 32歳  2024/05/07

    萱島 (京阪-本線)

    3,000円 (時間当り)





    I’m seeking a long-term English teacher for my 58-year-old mother, who has been studying English for a year. I’d like the lessons to include daily conversation practice and phonics lessons using her "あいうえおフォニックス" books. I’d prefer no lesson preparation, just teaching on the spot. The lessons will take place at Mos Burger at Kayashima station every weekend. Payment will be made through PayPay, at a rate of 3,000 yen per hour, 12,000 yen per month, and 156,000 yen per year.

  • Regular lessons (Private / Student's home)

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    hooooo, 女性, 36歳  2024/05/06

    高槻 (JR-京都線), 高槻市 (阪急-京都本線)

    3,500円 (時間当り)





    I’m looking for a private lesson teacher for my 7 year old daughter.

    •Native speaker is the best but second or third language will be also OK.
    But Not Japanese.

    •Instead of regular lesson,I want the teacher to play with her and while playing she will learn from you.

    Either Tuesday,Wednesday or Thursday.
    Starting from 16:30 works best for me.
    But starting from 16:00 or 17:00 works.
    Duration is 1 hour.

  • Make me be a chatty magpai! (actually I'm not)

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    Amy, 女性, 48歳  2024/03/27

    梅田 (阪急-京都本線), 山田 (大阪モノレール), 新大阪 (JR-京都線)

    1,000円 (時間当り)




    Hello, Teachers!
    I’m looking for someone let me speak English a lot. No need materials just talk.
    I have experienced studying English in the UK which was 20 years ago and suppose I’m intermediate or upper-intermediate level.
    I’m getting tired a call responding by English at work. I need to brush up on my speaking skill.
    I think I’m not bad at listening because I listen to the BBC radio on the way to work and home every day, so I can understand almost all.
    I’m feeling that Out-put is the most difficult part to study alone. I know words but they don’t come out once conversation starts.
    I believe I can speak English fast and fluently if I have lots of training.
    I’ve tried Hello Talk apps but it doesn’t work well because it's difficult to find someone not friend with sex, Manga-anime-talk or scammer!
    I prefer: 
    ・\1,000~2,000/per hour (I’ll buy your tea or coffee.)
    ・Once or twice a week around Umeda or minor station
    ・No text necessary, just lead me to speak like your friend (I don’t like being watched as English lesson in the café.)
    ・I’ll consider online if you have skill to lead me to speak!
    ・Teacher with Brit accent (non-essential, reason for that just sounds more familiar than American one to me)

    My response might be late if you enquire. (I’m going to Taipei next week for holiday.)
    I believe that there is a chemistry between teacher and student. I’d love to meet good teacher for me.
    Feel free to ask if any you want to know. Chao!

  • I am looking for someone to give private lessons with my chi

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    KAYO, 女性, 44歳  2024/02/06

    長原 (大阪地下鉄-谷町線), 八尾南 (大阪地下鉄-谷町線)

    3,000円 (時間当り)





    Nice to meet you. I'm looking for a native English speaker woman to give private lessons to my 9 year old daughter. Lessons last from 60 to 90 minutes, and we would like someone who can come every week. my daughter
    can also understand English. I would like to meet face-to-face rather than online.
    Thank you..


  • beginner

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    T2, 男性, 39歳  2024/02/02

    江坂 (大阪地下鉄-御堂筋線), 庄内 (阪急-宝塚本線)

    2,000円 (時間当り)



    日本語会話レベル (あいさつ程度)


    テツです。37才 男
    nice to meet you
    This is Tetsu. 37 year old male
    English level beginner
    He wants to learn English.
    1 lesson takes about 60 to 90 minutes
    I would like about 1500 yen to 3000 yen
    Schedules vary
    I would like to take lessons in my free time.
    When I have time, I come to my company (Toyonaka City)
    I would like to take the first one-on-one session online if I don't have time.
    Thank you

  • I am looking for someone to give private lessons with my chi

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    KAYO, 女性, 44歳  2023/05/29

    八尾南 (大阪地下鉄-谷町線), 長原 (大阪地下鉄-谷町線)

    3,000円 (時間当り)





    Nice to meet you.
    thank you for reading my message.

    I am looking for someone to give private lessons with my child. My daughter is 9 years old and is in the 3rd grade of elementary school. Her conversational level is fluent in English. Time is 60-90 minutes. If the nearest station is Kintetsu Yao, we can pick you up by car.


  • Hello

    大阪 英語 一般会話
    hagukumi, 女性, 41歳  2019/01/29

    住道 (JR-学研都市線)

    2,000円 (時間当り)




    I am looking for the teacher

    of the foreigner who teaches children English

    in child care group activities

    ・ A date and time

     First Tuesday 11: 00 ~ 11: 30
     First Thursday 10: 10 ~ 10: 40 · 11: 00 ~ 11: 30
     First Friday 10: 10 to 10: 40 · 11: 00 to 11: 30
    * The first week may change to the second week depending on circumstances.
    The annual plan is out.

    ・ The number of people

    Around ten people

    ・ Age

     0 years old - 4 years old

    ・ Salary

     One lesson   2,000 yen

    ・ Place

      Daito-City, Osaka

      A 15-minute walk from JR Gakkentoshi line Suminodou Station

    ・ The teaching materials

      I set all up a song, a picture book, the card

      (including the alphabet, a number, the color)

    I want to let children take your lesson by all means

    Kind Regards