楽器の演奏, カラオケ, 映画, 音楽鑑賞, 美術鑑賞, テレビゲーム, 写真, 読書, 旅行・観光
Budô, japanese martial arts ( Ninjutsu, Aïkido, Kiryudo)
Master of arts, English , Japanese ; Master in Education Science
I have been teaching English in the public middle school for the past eleven years. This year I took a sabbatical year in order to improve my Japanese and learn new martial arts.
I'm currently living in Kanagawa where I train in Nindo. To do so I have been granted a cultural visa until the end of july.
I alslo teach Japanese as option course in school, as well as giving private lessons.
I give also private online japanese lessons to my students in Switzerland.
Budô, japanese martial arts ( Ninjutsu, Aïkido, Kiryudo)
Master of arts, English , Japanese ; Master in Education Science
I'm currently living in Kanagawa where I train in Nindo. To do so I have been granted a cultural visa until the end of july.
I alslo teach Japanese as option course in school, as well as giving private lessons.
I give also private online japanese lessons to my students in Switzerland.