- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(読解)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 70分 x 5回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Let`s learn REAL native English phrases & idioms from the scripts of your favorite TV shows!
- 受講条件
- On-line students will need to be able to access Skype and another Internet page simultaneously OR print out the script for use in class prior to the lesson. Also, access to watch the TV program or movie beforehand is recommended.
- 詳細
- Anything is possible! Please let me know what shows you would like to try!
Some programs previously enjoyed by other students include:
TV SHOWS 海外テレビ番組:
イギリス:Downton Abbey ダウントン・アビー
アメリカ:Glee グリー
イギリス:Harry Potter ハリーポッター
- レッスン内容
- 一般会話(リスニング)
- レッスン時間と回数
- 70分 x 5回
- コース料金(*)
- 概要
- Learn to speak English like a native through ear and vocal training
- 受講条件
- All levels are welcome!
You do not need to be a good singer! You only need a willingness to try and to believe that you can improve!
- 詳細
- English is a very melodic language. I've noticed some students feel unnatural and even embarrassed at first to try mimicking the higher and lower tones and wider variations. Through music, we can break out of the old patterns of learning and become more fluid natural English speakers (and singers!)
Lessons include listening to popular music, studying the meaning of song lyrics, and vocal coaching for the spoken voice and singing (if you're game!) from a professional singer.
You can request to learn any song you like!
Some songs that have been popular with students in the past include:
Let it Be (The Beetles)
Amazing Grace (Traditional)
Heal the World (Michael Jackson)
Country Roads (John Denver)
Close to You (The Carpenters)
* レッスン料金は毎回レッスン終了後、教材費は教材を受け取った際にお支払いください。
manga, singing, child raising
Associate Degree in ASL
JLPT 3rd Degree
Berklee College of Music Coursera Certificates
Hello! My name is Delaina. Thank you for stopping by my profile!
I have been teaching in Sapporo over 15 years and online more than 10 years. I enjoy teaching all ages and helping each person find their own unique English voice. I am available for daily English conversation, business, travel and exam preparation etc. I can't wait to meet you in person or online!